Setting up Matching
Now that you have successfully launched registration and users are beginning to join your program, the next step in your program launch is to get started on your Matching Setup. Generally, we recommend you keep registration open for 1 to 3 weeks before moving on to matching.
Once you have completed and turned on Registration for your program, head back to your Home () page and click on Go to Matching:
- Alternatively, you can directly click on the Matching (
) page to access your matching setup.
There are a set of 5 steps required to complete your Matching setup, some of which might look familiar from your Registration setup:
- Review your Matching Readiness Report
- Review Matching Email Templates
- Set up Tasks for New Matches
- Check your integrations (optional if already finalized)
- Contact your Customer Support Advisor (optional - although we'd love to hear from you!!)
When you're ready to begin your Matching Setup, you can begin by Reviewing your Matching Readiness Report. To access the report, you can either click on the hyperlink on this page or simply scroll down to the bottom:
You can use this report to check whether or not you're ready to start your matching process based on your settings and registrants.
First, you will see a chart displaying some basic registration results, such as how many participants have registered as Mentees and/or Mentors. You will also see some information letting you know the total amount of capacity your mentors have. In this example, I have 6 mentors, which contributes to a total capacity to mentor 18 different mentees (i.e. each mentor has said they can take 3 mentees):
If you scroll down further on this page you will see some information that our algorithm uses to evaluate any risks when starting matching. It looks like I'm good to go for my program, luckily everyone appears to be very likely to find a match!
- Note: this represents the ideal scenario, in many cases, there will be some users who may be at risk of not finding a mentee/mentor depending on factors included in their profile and your matching criteria.
Near the bottom, you will see a few recommended ways forward that you might want to consider before beginning to match participants. Generally, making adjustments to your profiles and matching fields will make the biggest difference in your matching readiness metrics:
Once you've finished reviewing this report, scroll back up to the top of this page and check the first step off!
Reviewing Email Templates
The next step in the matching process is to review your email invites. Now you might have already reviewed all of your email templates during your registration setup, however, now is another chance to head back in and confirm your Matching email templates are ready to go.
To do so, head over to the Emails () page and select the Matching Process emails from the dropdown:
- Need a refresher on reviewing and editing Email Templates? Circle back to this article for a more detailed guide: Reviewing Email Invites.
Once you have finalized all of your emails across each category, be sure to head back to your Matching page to check this step off:
Set up Matching Tasks:
The third step in the Matching setup is to create tasks for each of your new matches. To begin, click on the Set up Tasks for New Matches hyperlink:
This will take you to the Tasks tab under the Content () page. Our tasks feature allows admins to assign and automatically add tasks to every new match to assist in guiding mentees, mentors, and peers throughout your program. On this page, you will see two different types of tasks:
- Assigned Tasks: these are tasks that will be automatically added to every new match in your program. Assigned tasks provide admins with the chance to create custom tasks that you would like every matching to complete. Admins may assign these tasks to both your mentees and mentors or only one or the other.
- Auto-added Tasks: these are tasks that will be automatically added to a user's list only once a matching has not taken important actions in the program. Admins may not create more of these tasks and cannot modify current auto-added tasks.
To create a new task, click on the Add task option near the bottom of the Assigned Tasks list:
This will bring up the Edit Task window, here you have three options you can configure:
- Shown to: this is where you select who the task is shown to in the matching. You can have these tasks displayed to both your mentees and mentors, just the mentee, or just the mentor.
- Task Title: the task itself (ex: "Read this article before your second session").
- Task Description: this is the main content of the task that a user can review within their matching. For example, if your task was to "Read this article before your second session", you could link the article in the description. This task description can be formatted however you would like. You can link out to external sources, attach images, or provide your own written content for the task.
Once you have completed each of these fields, you can click the blue Save button at the bottom right of the window.
To edit a previously created task, you can simply click on it from the Assigned Tasks list:
To delete a task, click on the trash can icon to the right of your task:
- Curious about how tasks work for your users? Check out our article on the user experience for matching tasks: Matching Checklist & Tasks - Mentees, Mentors & Peers.
Once you have your Matching Tasks ready to go, be sure to head back to your Matching page and check this step off:
To continue building your Evergreen program, head over to Step 10 - Review Program Content
Have more questions? Submit a request here and let us know how we can help!
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