Understanding how your program is doing is one of the most important parts of tracking the overall value mentorship is providing to your organization. To help make this easier for admins, we have assembled a number of different metrics and data within our Reports tool. In this article, we will highlight some of the important metrics that we see admins commonly like to track in order to better understand the impact of their programs.
Accessing Your Reports:
First, you'll want to begin by heading to the Reports tab along the left-hand side. This will bring you to your own customizable dashboard which you can use to save and track any of the various metrics we will discuss here.Ā
For more information on customizing your dashboard, check out this article: Customizing your Reporting Dashboard.
Important Metrics to Track:
We have broken out a few different reports for you based on the key phases throughout a user's time in a program. The main reports we offer currently are:
Feel free to use these links above to skip to the report you care the most about! I will highlight some important metrics you may want to track and add to your Dashboard from each of these reports.
- Tip:Ā Remember to filter by program and matching status to narrow your results down!
Registration Report:
A few key metrics you will want to monitor during your Registration phase are:
- # of Registrants (Total & Number of Mentees/Mentors)
Total Capacity of your Mentors:Ā this value details the total number of mentees your mentors can support within the program. For example, I have 3 mentors in my program, with a total capacity to support 8 mentees across all 3 mentors.
- We can see I currently have 5 mentees registered to the program as well, so this means our capacity should be more than sufficient!
There are a few other charts and tables within the Registration Report I encourage you to check out as well! This data can provide you valuable insight into things such as:
- A breakdown of registrants by their role
- Registrations over time
- Registration responses by question
Matching Report:
The Matching Report is broken up into a few different sections, each with different metrics that you might care about:
- An Overview of Current Matches
- Matching Completeness
- Matches Over Time
- Matching Combinations
UnderĀ Overview of Current Matches, we typically recommend you focus on theĀ Active andĀ Pending Matches (or Groups if you're running a Groups program!). This will give you a decent gauge of how active your program is currently:
- Tip: if you start to notice you have a high number of pending matches, it might be a good idea to send a reminder to users to prompt them to approve or decline their matching requests.
TheĀ Matching Completeness section displays some values that can inform you how many of your registered mentees/mentors are currently active in a program.
Two metrics that admins should keep their eyes on areĀ % of Mentees Matched andĀ theĀ % of Mentors Matched:
If you're interested in how your matches have been trending throughout the length of the program, you can head down to the Matches Over Time section. Here you can track when matches started to increase, and when they may have declined.
If you notice steady declines in your matches and are unsure why, this may be a good sign to check the Monitor Health section and follow up with any mentees/mentors of concern. For more information on Monitor Health, check out this article here: Monitoring Your Programs Health.
The last piece of the Matching Report that you should keep your eye on is under ourĀ Matching Combinations section. Here you can understand a few different things:
- Which combination of questionnaire responses are matched together
- How Mentees feel about their matching(s)
- How Mentors feel about their matching(s)
If you're interested in understanding which combination of users tends to match together, I recommend you take a look at the combinations graph. Here you can see the number of matches that have a specific combination of responses.
- Tip: the darker the blue, the more matches have the specific combination of responses.
For example, when I select the question "Have you completed any university or college degrees" for both my mentees and mentors, you can see that my most common matching combination is from mentees and mentors who both have responded that they have "Bachelor Degrees". In other words, 38 matches have this combination of responses to this question:
As a program admin, you will also want to keep a pulse on how your users are feeling about their matches. A great way to do this is with the help of the charts near the bottom of the Matching Report. Here you can see the collection of session feedback responses across both your Mentees and Mentors:
Session Report:
The session report is full of different information that you may care about as an admin. This report is broken out into a few key sections:
- Overview
- Session Completion
- Hours of Mentoring
- Session Feedback
We typically find that admins like to keep an eye on a few specific metrics. The first of these metrics is from our Overview section, namely, theĀ Total # of Scheduled Sessions,Ā and theĀ Average Feedback Score for both your mentees and mentors. Here you would like to see the # of completed sessions steadily increasing, and you would like to aim for an average of around 3.5/4 across both of your feedback metrics.
- Tip: Check out the graph under theĀ Completion section for a view of completed sessions over time!
The next set of metrics that we believe are quite helpful to track is under ourĀ Hours of Mentoring section:
First, you may want to understand how long your users are having sessions. This can be helpful when determining agenda content for your program or for providing recommendations for users within the program. For example, we can see here that my average session duration is 35 minutes, with only a handful of matches having sessions greater than 30 minutes:
It can also be helpful to review some of the most active users in your program, to do so, check out ourĀ Top Participants (Minutes Completed)Ā chart:
Note: Top Participants are determined by the number of minutes spent in mentorship sessions. It is important for users to schedule and/or mark their sessions completed on Together to ensure this chart is accurate.
- Tip: Consider celebrating some of your top participants by highlighting some of their great contributions and improvements throughout the program!
The last place we encourage you to keep an eye on within the Session Report is under the Written Feedback section (or the Group Feedback section if you're running a Group program!). Here you can review individual matches feedback along with the scores they have provided for specific sessions.
For example, you can see here during Marcus and Kelly's 7th session, it looks like both users provided high scores and some insightful feedback about their session together:
Skills & Goals Report:
Our last report included within our Reporting feature is the Skills & Goals report. This report is broken up into four different sections:
- Registration
- Self Assessment
- Session Topics
- Final Self Assessments
Admins should begin by looking at your users' Registration by skill/goal question: here you can better understand how many users have registered to look to develop (or provide expertise) regarding a specific skill or goal.
- In my case, you can see I have 62 mentees looking for help with the skill of Ownership, and 8 mentors who have reported expertise in that skill. In this case,Ā Ownership would be our top area mentees are looking to develop:
- On the Mentor side, we can see what the greatest area of expertise our mentors bring to the table. In my case, we can see that Problem Solving Skills (200)Ā andĀ Detail OrientedĀ (144) are both areas that many of our mentors reported having expertise in:
Tip: These metrics are important to keep an eye on to understand if there is a significant gap in your mentor's ability/expertise.
- For example, with 62 of my mentees needing help with Ownership and only 8 mentors registered with expertise in that skill, it may indicate I should consider looking for additional mentors who could assistĀ with these sorts of skills or asking my current mentors if they could provide guidance on the skill.
The next metric you should pay attention to from this report is under theĀ Self Assessment section. Here you will want to pay attention to the Average Self Assessment chart. This chart details of the mentorship agreements completed by users, and what their self-assessed score was for each skill or goal. You can see in my case, that of the mentorship agreements completed, these two skills were both reported at a value ofĀ 7:
- Tip: In order to understand how much your users have improved their skills or goals, we also ask them to complete aĀ Final Assessment. You can similarly view this data at the bottom of this report! We highly encourage you to use both of these charts to compare a user at the start of the program, and how far they have come by the end of the program. This should provide you with a reasonable understanding of the ROI of your program.
Lastly, we also find many admins are interested in understanding what session topics users cover during their time throughout the program. To facilitate this, we encourage admins to keep an eye on the Session Topics chart. Here you can see the most popular topics across your user's sessions- this can provide some insight into where your organization could add additional value for your employees/users.Ā
In my example here, we can see thatĀ Get a Certification was one of the most popular session topics. With this information in hand, it can help me tailor my agenda content for future programs, and even report back to my leadership team to understand how HR teams can better support employees at our organization (i.e. by potentially offering certification programs perhaps!):
Curious about how your program stacks up to the rest? Here are the results of our 2022 benchmark across the Top 20 organizations running programs with us on Together!
Bonus: Custom Data Exports
For admins interested in using their mentorship program data across other tools, we offer the ability to export various datasets in CSV formats. We encourage you to use this data however you best see fit! If you have feedback about additional reporting features you would love to see within Together, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team here.
To export your data, simply head to theĀ Custom Data Export tab, select the dataset you wish to export, and click the Export button:
Have more questions? Submit a requestĀ here and let us know how we can help!
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