The ‘Users’ section in the platform allows admins to manage users within their organization effectively. When you select a user, you will find five distinct tabs: Settings, Program Access, Programs, Matches, and Sessions. Each of these tabs provides specific information and options for managing users. Here’s a breakdown of how you can use these tabs:
Under the Settings tab, you can edit user details, such as their name and email, account permissions, and login settings. This tab is where you can manage the basic profile and access credentials for each user:
Program Access
The Program Access tab lets you view and modify a user’s access and registration status for different programs. Here, you can see which programs a user is registered for or has access to:
- Registered Programs: Programs that the user is currently registered for.
- Eligible Programs: Programs that the user is not registered for but can see as available for self-registration.
- Ineligible Programs: Programs that the user cannot self-register for. This includes programs where the user may be eligible, but registration is currently turned off.
Note: For program-specific admins, this tab will only show the programs they manage. Admins cannot view the Program Access tab for users who have not yet registered for any programs.
You can modify a user’s program eligibility, capacity, and registration status directly from this table. For example, you can click the Action button for any program followed by selecting one of the 4 options: Open Program Access for this program, Edit eligibility and registration, Edit capacity, and Remove from program:
You can modify a user’s program eligibility and registration status directly from this table. To adjust these settings, select “Edit Eligibility & Registration” for any program. This action will display the roles within the program and indicate whether the user can self-register based on the program’s Program Access Table. Adding a checkmark for a role will override the settings in the Program Access Table, allowing the user to self-register or register them manually:
If the user is not currently registered as a specific role, you can force register them by selecting the checkbox for that role. This action will not send an email notification or fill out the registration questionnaire on their behalf. For migrations, it is recommended to set the user as eligible and send them an invite to self-register instead. Note that if registration is currently off for a program, you will not be able to register a user for that program.
Under the Programs tab, you can view the programs a user is registered for, including their roles and questionnaire responses. You can also modify their registration status and update their questionnaire answers if needed by clicking on the 'Edit' button:
In the Matches tab, you can learn more about a user’s matches. By clicking on a user in a program (e.g., from the All Participants section), you can see their current registration status, sessions, and matches, including past matches and upcoming sessions. Clicking on a specific match opens the match view, where you can see session details and match specifics. You can also navigate between users in matches to see who else they are paired with.
The Sessions tab allows you to view a user’s upcoming and past sessions. This is particularly useful for tracking user activity and engagement within the platform.
Note: Org-level admins can access all this information from the User’s Table, without being filtered to program-specific data.
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