Article: How to use the Registration Report

Navigate to Reports > Registration Report.

The Registration report provides an overview of the number of registrants (broken down by the number of mentees and the capacity of mentors), as well as the Registration by Day graph for uptake visualization.


Begin by filtering by a program. If you only have one program, the data will be of that one program by default. If you do not select a filter, the data reported on will include all of the programs.


The Profile Breakdown allows you to view the responses from the questionnaire from mentees and mentors. This data is presented through graphs and tables.  For example, the chart to the question "What are your greatest strengths?" could look like this:


Questions from the questionnaire that allows for open-ended text are presented in a table format.

External Report Sharing

To share the report with others in your organization, click the Share button on the top right of the page and click Copy Link then paste the link to the recipient.







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