As a mentor, there are four ways you can be matched: (1) Mentee Led, (2) Admin Led, (3) in an Evergreen program, or (4) in a Groups program. Your organization and program administrator will let you know which program type you are a part of.

(1) Mentee-Led:

  • Mentees Choose:

     1. Mentees Select a Mentor from the Directory

In the Mentees Choose matching process, mentees are able to view their recommended mentors within the Mentor Directory and are able to select a mentor. 

     2. Mentorship Assignments are Sent

Once your mentee selects you to be their mentor, you will both be notified by email informing you that you have been matched together.

     3. Touch base with your Mentee

Once you have approved the request, your mentee will be notified. Communicate with your mentee via email, text or phone to find a time that works best for both. The onus is on the mentee to schedule the first meeting.

  • Mentor Approval:

     1. Approve or Decline Mentee Request

As part of the mentor directory, mentees will have access to your profile and can choose to request you as their mentor. You will only be shown to mentees with which you share common skills, goals, and preferences. Once a mentee chooses you, you will receive an email (see below) asking you to Approve or Decline the mentee’s introduction. You have 3 business days to answer this request.

Didn’t receive it? Check your Spam or Junk folder frequently to ensure you have not missed the email. If it is in Spam, please mark verify the email as Not Spam. 

     2. Touch base with your Mentee

Once you have approved the request, your mentee will be notified. Communicate with your mentee via email, text or phone to find a time that works best for both. The onus is on the mentee to schedule the first meeting.

(2) Admin-Led

If your organization chose to do an Admin-Led matching, you will receive an email from letting you know who your mentee is. In order to be matched, you must be registered for the mentorship program. 

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(3) Matching in Evergreen Programs

Matching in an Evergreen program is similar to the Mentee-Led approach you've seen already, however, in an Evergreen program, your matches do not have an implied end date and your users do not create a shortlist when selecting someone. These programs allow you to match on an ongoing basis with no pre-defined start or end dates. Mentees and mentors can register and match at any time and can rematch with others at any point if they have the availability. The two types of matching processes available in these programs are the same as a Mentee-Led cohort program: Mentees Choose or Mentor Approval

As a mentor, you will wait for a mentee to request you. In a Mentees Choose style program, you will then be matched with that mentee. In a Mentor Approval style program, you will receive a request via email that you can either approve or deny. 

Peer Mentorship in Evergreen Programs:

If your organization has chosen to run an Evergreen program and enabled the Peer Mentorship feature, you will also see the option to participate as a Peer within the program. Participating as a Peer allows you to connect with colleagues at a similar stage in their career at your organization to act as a coach and guide for one another. Connecting with a fellow peer can help facilitate knowledge exchange and support throughout your mentorship journey.

To register as a peer, you must also register as a Mentor and/or Mentee in the program.

Once you have registered as a Peer, you may begin searching for other peers to begin your relationship. To do so, click on the Browse Peers button from your home page for your program.

Here you will be taken to the Directory for your program. You will be able to see who has registered as a Peer under their profile. Alternatively, you can filter by Role to only include those who are registered as Peers for example.

Once you have found a Peer you would like to match with, click the blue Request button beside their profile.

Note: Peer requests always require approval by the peer you're requesting, even if your program is a Mentee's Choose program.

You will be taken to a page that will ask you to confirm what type of connection you would like to request. For Peer matches, select the Request as my Peer box then click Next.

This next page will look identical to other Evergreen programs you've participated in. Here you will select the type of commitment you would like to request, where you can choose between these three options:

  • An introduction session/one-off networking session
  • Help with a specific topic that may occur over a few sessions
  • Long term mentorship

Select the most relevant option for your matching and click Continue.

You may now add a note to introduce yourself to your peer. We recommend leaving a warm introduction and letting your peer know what topics you're interested in discussing. Once you've finished writing your note, click Continue.

Once you have submitted your note, you will see a summary of your request to your peer. If you're satisfied with your request, you can click the Submit Request button.

After you've submitted your request, you can click the Finish button to return to your home page. 

Your peer will have three options after receiving your request:

  1. Approve all the requested sessions (i.e. in my case, 3)
  2. Approve an introductory session only to start
  3. Decline (with the option to provide a response)

Note: peers have 3 business days to accept or decline these requests before they expire, so it is important to review and approve/decline peer requests as soon as possible to ensure there are no delays.

Once the request is approved, you each will be notified and your matching will begin. From here you will be able to begin by scheduling your first session! Check out our guide here on how to schedule a session to get started.

(4) Matching in a Group Program

Groups programs support both the same Admin-led and Mentee-Led matching processes. The main difference for matching in a Group program is that instead of choosing/being matched with an individual mentor, mentees will choose/or be added to a group with a mentor(s) and other mentees. As a mentor, you will be staged into a group by your administrator. 

  • Mentee-Led

With this approach, mentors are first assigned a group by administrators. Mentees then choose their group from our algorithm's list of recommendations. Administrators can also create and adjust groups at any time. 

  • Admin-Led

For groups programs that are Admin-Led, administrators stage and create groups on behalf of both mentees and mentors. Similar to a 1-on-1 program in order to be matched, you must ensure you have registered for the mentorship program. Once you have been matched into a Group, you will receive an email announcing the other members in your Group and providing some first steps for the program.


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