Sometimes you might want to pause your enrolment in a program for whatever reason: not enough bandwidth, moving departments, or anything in between. If you ever need to, you can do this by freezing your account on the platform, this will ensure that you are no longer considered during a program's matching process, and if you are currently in an active matching, it will be ended. 

Freeze Your Account

From your home page, click on the Profile tab at the top of the screen:

Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 4.30.49 PM.png

Click on the My Settings tab just under your name and scroll down to the Enrolment Status section. Here, you can click on the Enrolled button followed by Freeze my account. To confirm your changes click the Save button.

Unfreeze Your Account

Click the Freeze my account followed by the Enrolled button to resume your participation in the program, then click the Save button to finalize this change.

And that's it! Your account is now unfrozen and you're able to participate as you once did.

Note: Unfreezing your account will not automatically re-match you with the same users as before, you will need to be repaired with them if they're available. 


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