Making changes to your Profile settings is quick and easy in the Together platform. If you ever need update your Profile Information or change your timezone, you can simply navigate to your Profile section from your homepage:

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 2.47.35 PM.png

Once you've reached your Profile, you can click on the Edit Profile button on the right-hand side of your screen.

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 2.48.53 PM.png

This will allow you to edit a few key settings such as your:

  • Your Profile Photo
  • Preferred First and Last Name
  • A Headline for Your Profile
  • The URL for your LinkedIn page
  • Your Timezone
  • Your Profile Bio

To change your Timezone, click on the timezone drop-down menu and select the option that matches your local time. Once you have selected the correct timezone, you can click on the blue Save button in the bottom right-hand corner to finalize any changes you've made:

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 2.54.38 PM.png

And that's it! Your timezone is now up to date and will be displayed on your Profile beside your email.


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