Sometimes it can be helpful to provide a few common steps for users once they have been matched. With this in mind, we developed the Tasks feature that allows admins to assign and automatically add tasks to every matching to assist in guiding mentees, mentors, and peers throughout the program.

To access the Tasks feature, you first must click on the program from your admin home page. Once you have selected your program, you may click on the Content tab along the left-hand side and then click on the Tasks option:


Here you see two different sections of tasks: Assigned Tasks, and Auto-added Tasks.

  • Assigned Tasks are tasks that will be automatically added to every matching in your program. Assigned tasks provide admins with the chance to create custom tasks that you would like every matching to complete. Admins may assign these tasks to both your mentees and mentors or only one or the other.
  • Auto-added Tasks are tasks that will be automatically added to a user's list only once a matching has not taken important actions in the program. Admins may not create more of these tasks and cannot modify current auto-added tasks.

To create a new task, click on the Add task option near the bottom of the Assigned Tasks list:


This will bring up the Edit Task window, here you have three options you can configure:


  • Shown to: this is where you select who the task is shown to in the matching. You can have these tasks displayed to both your mentees and mentors, just the mentee, or just the mentor. 
  • Task Title: the task itself (ex: "Read this article before your second session").
  • Task Description: this is the main content of the task that a user can review within their matching. For example, if your task was to "Read this article before your second session", you could link the article in the description. This task description can be formatted however you would like. You can link out to external sources, attach images, or provide your own written content for the task.

Once you have completed each of these fields, you can click the blue Save button at the bottom right of the window. 

To edit a previously created task, you can simply click on it from the Assigned Tasks list:


To delete a task, click on the trash can icon to the right of your task:


Configuring Tasks in Matching Setup:

Admins will also have the opportunity to configure these tasks once they have begun their matching setup for a new program. Once in your matching setup, you will see that one of the tasks prior to turning on matching is to Set up tasks for new matches:


Customizing tasks throughout your matching setup will work identically to how you have seen under the Tasks page within the content section. Once you have had a chance to customize and review your matching tasks, you will be ready to turn on matching. To turn on matching after reviewing your tasks, you must check off each of the checklist items and click the Turn on Matching button:



Curious about how tasks work for your users? Check out our article here on the user experience for matching tasks.


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