Together supports a few different types of integrations in order to improve the experience of your mentorship program. During your onboarding process, our team will send you the required documentation and steps in order to implement each one. Generally, our integrations can be categorized into these five areas, each with different requirements and amount of time to complete:
- HRIS integrations
- SSO integrations
- Calendar/Video conferencing integrations
- Whitelisting platform emails
- Translations
HRIS integrations generally take between 1-2 weeks on our end to be configured for your organization. To do so, we request that your team send us your HRIS provider, along with the proper credentials required for us to sync with your system. (estimated time required for customer IT: ~30 mins)
Single Sign On (SSO) integrations generally take 1 week to implement and test with your team. To do so, we request that your team send us your metadata and certificate files from your identity provider. (estimated time required for customer IT: ~30 mins)
Calendar/Video conferencing integrations generally take 1 week to implement and test with your team, although the setup itself is relatively short. To do so, we provide IT teams with the relevant documentation for you're preferred calendar/video platform and are available to support your team with any questions that may arise. (estimated time required for customer IT: ~30 mins)
Whitelisting emails generally require anywhere between 1 day to 1 week depending on the bandwidth in your IT team. Similar to calendar/video integrations, we provide your team with the relevant documentation and provide any support as required. We request that your team ensure that our domain is not marked as spam and excluded from any inbound email IT policies to ensure that none of your users miss notifications/emails relevant to their program. (estimated time required for customer IT: ~15 mins)
Translations for your organization can vary in the length of time they require to have implemented. If your team is interested in having Translations developed for your programs, our team will work with you to have this included.
Note: each of the above integrations can be completed concurrently depending on the bandwidth of your team. The estimated time required for each of these tasks are estimates only to assist in dedicating your internal IT resources to complete your team's end of the integration process, not the entire implementation of the integration itself.
For more information about integrations and IT Support at Together, check out the rest of our IT section here on our Help Center!
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