Now that you have created your new survey, the next step is to begin building your survey and adding questions.

To begin, you first will want to give your new survey a title. For example, I will title my survey "Mid Program Check-in" and click the Save button:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 3.49.17 PM.png

Next up, let's add some questions to our survey. Adding a question is simple, you can begin by selecting the Questions tab and clicking the Add Question button in the middle of the page:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 3.51.10 PM.png

Once you click this button, you will be prompted to select the type of question you would like to ask. There are four options to choose from:

  • Short text
  • Long text
  • Numeric
  • Multiple Choice

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 3.51.53 PM.png

For this demonstration and to make our data a bit easier to work with, I'm going to go ahead and create a few multiple-choice questions. Once I click on the type of question I would like the question editor will be displayed for you to configure your question.

In my case, since I chose a multiple-choice question, I have a few key options I can configure:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 3.53.04 PM.png

  • The question: For example - "How would you rate your experience in the program up to this point?"
  • Description: here you can describe your question if you have more information or context you would like to convey to your users, outside of the question itself.
  • Response options: these are the options that you will provide your users to select from. For example, if I use my example question above, I could create response options between "Very positive" to "Very negative". To add these options, click the Edit button.
  • Multiple choice options: here you have the option of allowing users to select only one of your response options or multiple. In my example, we would only want users to select one of the options in our range of options.
  • Display as dropdown: this sets how your response options will be displayed, as a drop-down list or not.
  • Question shown to: here you can determine whether this question is asked to both mentees/mentors, just mentees, or just mentors. 
  • Response required: whether this question is mandatory to answer. In my example, I'm going to require my users to respond to this question.

After you have finished configuring your question, always be sure to click the Save button to finalize your changes:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 3.54.54 PM.png

You can continue adding and editing questions until you have finished your survey. To do so, simply click on the Add Question button again in the top right-hand corner:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 3.55.33 PM.png

You may also duplicate questions if you would like to build off a previously configured question by clicking on the Duplicate icon:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 3.56.19 PM.png

If at any point you would like to preview how your survey will look to your users, you can do so by clicking the Preview Survey button at the top right-hand corner of this page. First, you will choose whether to view the survey from a mentee or mentor's perspective, then you will be able to see the survey as it will be presented to one of your users in that role:

Note: you cannot submit data when previewing your survey.

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That's it for building your survey and adding questions! Check out our next article here on Scheduling Your Survey.


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