The final step in using our Survey tool is to review the results you've collected. To do so, from within your survey you can head over to the Results tab:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 4.10.27 PM.png

Within this tab, you will first see 4 distinct cards that show you the total number of Not Qualified, Sent Surveys, Responses Received, and Responses Missing:

Screenshot 2024-11-19 at 4.11.51 PM.png

  • Not Qualified: lists users who have not been sent the survey. This section will allow you to force send a survey.
  • Sent Surveys: lists users who have been sent the survey manually or via triggers. This list also includes users who responded to a survey before being sent the survey. (i.e: Completing Session Feedback before getting the reminder email)
  • Responses Received: lists users who have responded to the survey. This section will also display their responses.
  • Responses Missing: lists users who have been sent the survey manually or via triggers that have not responded to the survey.

Next, you can view a list of all of the participants within your program. There are a few key pieces of information that are important for you in this table:

  • Name, Pairing, and Email
  • Survey Status: This column shows whether they have been sent the survey or not and whether they have completed it.
  • Last sent: this is the date the last time the survey was sent to the user
  • Action: this is a clickable button within the table that you can use to send a survey out to a specific use manually:Nov-19-2024 16-21-23.gif
  • Question(s): the final column(s) after Action will be filled with each individual's response to each of the questions you asked on your survey.

To add or hide any additional columns, click on the Columns icon and select what you would like to view here:

Nov-19-2024 16-23-44.gif

You may also export a copy of this table if you would like to complete your own analysis of individual user responses. To do so, simply click the Export button on the table.

Note: this will export all of the columns that are currently being shown on your table. Show or hide certain columns that you would like to include/remove from your export.


That's it for interpreting your Survey Results and how to implement Surveys in your Mentorship Program. For more information, please check out the rest of our Help Center for all things Together!


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