Samar Sanghera

Samar Sanghera


Recent activity by Samar Sanghera
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Hide Calendar/Zoom Integration Options
As an admin, you may want to limit or hide the integration options that are available for your participants. If you would like to hide the Calendar IntegrationsΒ or Zoom Video Conference options for...
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Participant Migration
As administrators, you often need to migrate participants from one program to another. Whether it's for strategic reshuffling, user requests, or program alterations, our mentorship software is desi...
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10 b. Automatically Create & Publish Groups
Create & Publish Groups: After finalizing your Matching Setup, the next step in launching a successful Group Program is creating the groups themselves. With the Automatically Create Groups function...
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Program Maintenance: Tweaks to Consider πŸ”§
Your mentorship program is an essential tool for professional and personal development, providing guidance and support to individuals seeking to improve their skills and knowledge. However, mentors...
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Program Maintenance: Managing Content πŸ“
The Content section of your program can provide your participants with supplementary resources to help them along their mentorship journey. By connecting additional resources, keeping agendas up t...
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Matching Readiness Overview
To view your Matching Readiness Report, select your program followed by selecting the Matching tab. Β  Β  Registration Results In this section, you can check if you're ready to start your matching p...
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How to add admins and grant permissions
When you're looking to add a new admin to your platform and grant specific permissions, start by navigating to the "Users" section. Once there, you'll see an "Add User +" button which you'll want t...
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You can view the Emails section by logging into the platform and navigating to the Programs area, followed by selecting your program and clicking on Emails. In this section, you can review and mod...
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Email Delivery Analytics - Failed Attempts
In Email Delivery Analytics, each unsuccessful delivery attempt, known as "Failed", is counted regardless of any subsequent successful deliveries. The reason for counting every attempt, including ...
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Whitelist Emails from Together
Whitelisting emails generally requires anywhere betweenΒ 1 day to 1 weekΒ depending on the bandwidth in your IT team. Similar to calendar/video integrations, we provide your team with the relevant do...
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