FAQs for Users
Samar Sanghera
How to Log-In: Multiple Organizations
Logging In When Associated with Multiple Organizations
When you log in with an email tied to mult...
Badges & Certificates in Together
Availability: Badges and certificates are only available to organizations on the Enterprise and P...
How do I add Together in Teams?
If your Teams organization does not automatically include the Together Platform App, you can add ...
How to Reset Your Password
Locked out of your account? You can easily reset your password from the login page on Together:
What are Together's password strength requirements?
For those organizations who do not use SSO to sign in to Together and have opted for the Email an...
How-to create an AI-Powered Profile Bio
Let's start by logging into the Together Platform. Once successfully logged in, click on the Prof...
Mentorship Handbooks
Mentorship is a critical aspect of personal and professional development, and it can take many fo...
Mentorship Agreement & Final Assessment
What is the Mentorship Agreement?
The mentorship agreement is a guide for mentees to decide what ...